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전문분야 로봇수술, 배뇨장애, 결석, 전립선질환, 비뇨기계종양

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학력 및 경력


  • 2010.03~2015.08 충남대학교 의학과 박사
  • 2004.03~2006.02 건양대학교 의학과 박사
  • 1996.03~2002.02 건양대학교 의학과 석사


  • 2024.03~현재 건양대학교의과대학 교육부장
  • 2022.09~현재 건양대학교병원 비뇨의학과장
  • 2018.04~현재 건양대학교병원 비뇨의학과 부교수
  • 2011.03~2012.02 세브란스병원 임상조교수 근무
  • 2010.05~2011.02 세브란스병원 임상강사
  • 2007.04~2010.04 군의관
  • 2003.03~2007.02 건양대학교병원 레지던트
  • 2002.03~2003.02 건양대학교병원 인턴



  • submissionTension readjustable urethral sling procedure for male stress urinary incontinence using the Remeex System : long-term follow up result. []
  • submissionTransvesicoscopic Repair of Vesicovaginal Fistula []
  • preparingEffective and safety of Artificial urinary sphincter implantation related prostate surgery in Shin Chon Severance hospital. []
  • 2024.04Testosterone replacement in men with sexual dysfunction [Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews]
  • 2023.07Experiences with an Extraperitoneal Transvesicoscopic Repair of a Vesicovaginal Fistula [Urology Journal]
  • 2021.03What Is Fecal Incontinence That Urologists Need to Know? [INTERNATIONAL NEUROUROLOGY JOURNAL]
  • 2020.12Korean Translation of the GRADE Series Published in the BMJ, ‘Use of GRADE Grid to Reach Decisions on Clinical Practice Guidelines When Consensus Is Elusive’ (A Secondary Publication) [Urogenital Tract Infection]
  • 2020.08Korean Translation of the GRADE Series Published in the BMJ, ‘GRADE: Incorporating Considerations of Resources Use into Grading Recommendations’ (A Secondary Publication) [Urogenital Tract Infection]
  • 2020.04Korean Translation of the GRADE Series Published in the BMJ, ‘GRADE: Grading Quality of Evidence and Strength of Recommendations for Diagnostic Tests and Strategies’ (A Secondary Publication) [Urogenital Tract Infection]
  • 2019.12Korean Translation of the GRADE Series Published in the BMJ, ‘GRADE: Going from Evidence to Recommendations’ (A Secondary Publication) [Urogenital Tract Infection]
  • 2019.08Korean Translation of the GRADE Series Published in the BMJ, ‘GRADE: What Is “Quality of Evidence” and Why Is It Important to Clinicians?’ (A Secondary Publication) [Urogenit Tract Infect]
  • 2019.04Korean Translation of the GRADE Series Published in the BMJ, ‘GRADE: An Emerging Consensus on Rating Quality of Evidence and Strength of Recommendations’ (A Secondary Publication) [Urogenital Tract Infection]
  • 2017.07Management of urinary tract infection in geriatric hospital patients [Journal of the Korean Medical Association]
  • 2017.06Feasibility of Transvesical Robotic VVF Repairin Porcine Model [Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques]
  • 2017.03Development and Validation of the Korean Version ofthe European Organization for Research and Treatment ofCancer Quality of Life Questionnaire [CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT]
  • 2015.10Distribution of ureteral stones and factors affecting their location and expulsion in patients with renal colic [Korean Journal of Urology]
  • 2015.09The Effectiveness of Silodosin for Nocturnal Polyuria in Elderly Men With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Multicenter Study [INTERNATIONAL NEUROUROLOGY JOURNAL]
  • 2014.11.30Clinical Application of Computed Tomography on Prostate Volume Estimationin Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms [Urology and Nephrology Research Center (Tehran Iran)Iranian]
  • 2014.11.12Comparison of treatment outcomes according to output voltage during shockwave lithotripsy for ureteral calculi: a prospective randomized multicenter study [Springer Berlin Heidelberg]
  • 2014.11Comparison of treatment outcomes according to output voltage during shockwave lithotripsy for ureteral calculi: a prospective randomized multicenter study [World Journal of Urology]
  • 2014.11Clinical Application of Computed Tomography on Prostate Volume Estimationin Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms [Urology journal]
  • 2014.03.01Clinical outcomes of CyberKnife radiotherapy in prostate cancer patients: Short-term, single-center experience [Korean Urological Association]
  • 2014.03.01Simultaneous Robot-Assisted Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Partial Nephrectomy and Standard Radical Prostatectomy [YONSEI UNIV COLL MEDICINE]
  • 2014.03Clinical outcomes of CyberKnife radiotherapy in prostate cancer patients: Short-term, single-center experience [Korean Journal of Urology]
  • 2014.03Simultaneous Robot-Assisted Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Partial Nephrectomy and Standard Radical Prostatectomy [YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL]
  • 2012.12Prostatic Urethral Angulation Associated With Urinary Flow Rate and Urinary Symptom Scores in Men With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms [UROLOGY]
  • 2012Prostatic urethral angulation is associated with urinary flow rate and urinary symptom score in men with lower urinary tract symptom. [urology]
  • 2011.5방광통증증후군/간질성방광염환자에서 경요도적 방광 fulguration이 방광수압확장술보다 우수한가? []
  • 2010.9Long term follow up of tension readjustable urethral sling procedure (Remeex System) for male stress urinary incontinence. []
  • 2010.8전립선암으로부터 살아남는 법2. []
  • 2010.5인공요도괄약근삽입술 후 발생한 미란의 대증적 치료 1례 []
  • 2010.11Transvesicoscopic Approach응 이용한 복강경하 방광질누공 복구술의 새로운 시도 []
  • 2010.11배뇨장애 환자에서 시행한 Botulinum Toxin A의 방광 내 주사요법의 효과 []
  • 2010.11전립선 수술 후 발생한 요실금 환자에서 인공 요도 괄약근 삽입술의 경험 []
  • 2010.11로봇보조 복강경 근치적 전립선적출술을 시행받은 환자에서 요실금 평가 방법으로 무엇이 좋고 어떻게 다른가? []
  • 2010.11경요도적 전립선 절제술 후 저장증상 평가에 있어 과민성방광증상설문지(OABSS)의 유용성 []
  • 2010.11The 1997, 2001 and 2007 Partin Tables Do not accurately predict pathologic outcomes in Korean Men []
  • 2010.11Robot-assisted Extended pelvic lymph node dissection for intermediate and high-risk prostate cancer improves lymph node yield without increasing the complications []
  • 2010.11근치적 전립선 적출술 시행 전 방광의 저하된 유순도 유병율 및 의의 []
  • 2010.11전립선 수술 후 발생한 요실금 환자에서 요실금 치료 전 발견된 방광의 유순도 저하와 치료결과 []
  • 2010.11한국인 체형에 적합한 로봇 보조 전립선 적출술의 복막외 접근법에 대한 연구 []
  • 2010.11전립선암으로 전립선적출술 예정인 환자들에서 수술 전 요실금 유병율 []
  • 2010Discrepancies between patient and physician perceptions of urinary incontinence after robotic radical prostatectomy []
  • 2006When should videourodynamic study be performed after correcting the defect in patients with myelodysplasia? []
  • 2006Effect of 5α-reductase inhibitor in expression of Transforming Growth Factor-β1 in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients. []
  • 2005EDAP Sonolith Practis를 이용한 체외충격파 쇄석술의 임상경험 []
  • 2004전립선 특이항원의 연령별 참고치 []
  • 2004여성 복압성 요실금 환자에서 TVT (Tension-Free Vaginal Tape)의 초기 수술결과 []
  • 2003연령에 따른 최대요속과 전립선특이항원과의 관계 []
 김홍욱 교수님