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 임재우 증명사진 교수님

소아청소년과 임재우 교수

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전문분야 이른둥이, 신생아 중환아

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학력 및 경력


  • 충남대학교 의과대학 의학과


  • 현재 건양대학교병원 소아청소년과 교수
  • 건양대학교병원 신생아집중치료센터장
  • The University of Chicago medicine Comer children’s hospital 연수


  • 대한신생아학회 조사통계위원장


  • 2021.08Trends and Characteristics of Mortality Associated with Congenital Anomalies in Korean Children under 5 Years of Age [Neonatal medicine]
  • 2020.1114q12q13.3 Deletion Diagnosed Using Chromosomal Microarray Analysis in an Infant Showing Seizures, Hypoplasia of the Corpus Callosum, and Developmental Delay [Neonatal Medicine]
  • 2020.10Mortality Rate and Major Causes of Death by Gestational Age in Korean Children under 5 Years of Age [Journal of Korean Medical Science]
  • 2020.10Risk factors and prognosis in very low birth weight infants treated for hypotension during the first postnatal week from the Korean Neonatal Network [PLOS ONE]
  • 2020Current Status of Neonatologist Staffing and Workload in Korean Neonatal Intensive Care Units [Neonatal Medicine]
  • 2016.11Interstitial deletion of 5q33.3q35.1 in a boy with severe mental retardation [Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
  • 2016.06Percentile Distributions of Birth Weight according to Gestational Ages in Korea (2010-2012) [JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE]
  • 2014.11.30The Readmission of Preterm Infants of 30-33 Weeks Gestational Age within 1 Year Following Discharge from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Korea [대한신생아학회]
  • 2014.11.01Comparison of Neonatal and Infant Mortality Rates between Infants Born in South Korea and Those Born in the United States [대한신생아학회]
  • 2014.11The Readmission of Preterm Infants of 30-33 Weeks Gestational Age within 1 Year Following Discharge from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Korea [Neonatal medicine]
  • 2014.08.01Fecal calprotectin concentration in neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis [대한소아과학회]
  • 2012.12Effect of early postnatal neutropenia in very low birth weight infants born to mothers with pregnancy-induced hypertension [Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
  • 2012.08Epidemiology of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Infants Born at Less Than Thirty-Five Weeks of Gestational Age [PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL]
  • 2012.06Comparison of Outcomes according to the Time of Initial Surfactant Treatment for Very Low Birth Weight Infants: A Multicenter Study [대한주산의학회잡지]
  • 2011극소 저체중 출생아에서 혈구세포의 변화와 호산구 증가증에 대한 연구 [대한주산회지]
  • 2011다형 홍반으로 발현한 신생아 루푸스와 역진단된 산모 루푸스 1례 [대한 신생아 학회지]
  • 2011The changing trends in live birth statistics in Korea, 1970 to 2010 [대한 소아과 학회지]
  • 2011A study on the measurement of the nucleated red blood cell (nRBC) count based on birth weight and it [대한 소아과 학회지]
  • 2010재태연령과 출생 체중에 따른 미숙아의 생존율과 사망원인에 관한 다기관 연구 [대한주산회지]
  • 2010Birth Outcomes of Koreans by Birthplace of Infants and Their Mothers, the United States versus Korea [Journal of Korean Medical Science]
  • 2009Epidemiology of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Korea: Multi-Center Study []
  • 2009Comparative study of newborns of Asian immigrant and Korean women []
  • 2009Multicenter clinical study on birth weight and associated anomalies of single umbilical artery []
  • 2009Development and language problems in children of immigrant marriages []
  • 2008신생아와 조기 영아기에 혈변을 보였던 환아의 추적 관찰 []
  • 2007대뇌 피질의 이형성과 소뇌 위축 소견이 동반된 Seckel 증후군 1례 []
  • 2005십이지장 격막과 동반된 담도 폐쇄 없는 담낭 무형성증 [대한신생아학회지]
  • 2004간단한 수기시에 경구포도당과 인공젖꼭지에 의한 신생아의 진통효과 [대한신생아학회지]
  • 2004자세 변형 식도 조영술로 확인되 H형 식도 기관루. [대한신생아학회지]
  • 2004단일병원 신생아 중환자실에서 Extended Spectrum B-Lactamase 생성 균주 출현의 역학 및 임상적 특징 [소아과]
  • 2003초극소 저출생 체중아의 단일 기관에서의 최근 치료 성적 []
  • 2003극소 저출생 체중아의 출생 후 초기 성장에 대한 연구 []
  • 2003체외수정술로 출생한 쌍생아의 임상적 경과에 대한 비교 분석 []
 임재우 교수님