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전문분야 위장관질환, 장클리닉(염증성질환, 대장암, 변비), 치료내시경

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학력 및 경력


  • 계명의대 대학원 의학박사


  • 현재 건양대학교병원 소화기내과 교수
  • 2022.06~2023.07 건양대학교병원 헬스케어센터장
  • 2007~2014 2007년 2011년 세계 인명사전(마르퀴즈 후즈후) 등재
  • 2007년도 세계 3대 인명사전 동시 등재
  • 미국 Indiana University Hospital 해외
  • [대전일보 명의를 찾아서] 지역유일소장내시경 시행
  • 건양대학교병원 내과부장 역임
  • 소화기 내시경 전문의
  • 소화기 내과 분과 전문의
  • 건양의대 소화기내과 과장
  • 건양의대 소화기내과 교수
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  • 계명의대 임상전임강사
  • 계명의대 동산의료원 소화기내과 전임의
  • 계명의대 동산 의료원 내과 레지던트


  • 대한소화기 기능성 질환 운동학회 소화불량증 위원회 위원장
  • 대한 장연구학회 전산 정보이사
  • 대한 Helicobacter 및 상부위장학회 편집위원
  • 대한 장 연구학회 학술위원
  • 대한 소화관 운동학회 학술위원
  • 대한 소화관 운동학회 전산정보이사
  • 대한 소화기 학회 평생회원
  • 미국 소화기 내시경 학회 정회원
  • 미국 소화기 학회 정회원(AGA &ACG)


  • 2022.09Colonic Chicken Skin Mucosa Surrounding Colon Polyps Is an Endoscopic Predictive Marker for Colonic Neoplastic Polyps [GUT AND LIVER]
  • 2022.09Evaluation of the efficacy of 1 L polyethylene glycol plus ascorbic acid and an oral sodium sulfate solution: A multi-center, prospective randomized controlled trial [Medicine]
  • 2022.07Eosinophil and Mast Cell Counts in the Stomach and Duodenum of Patients with Functional Dyspepsia without a Helicobacter pylori infection [The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology]
  • 2021.03Sleep disorders in patients with functional dyspepsia: A multicenter study from the Korean Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility [JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY]
  • 2020.08Impact of Endoscopists’ Personality Traits on Adenoma and Polyp Detection Rates in Colonoscopy: A KASID Multicenter Study [Digestive Disease and Science]
  • 2019.09Clinical comparison of low-volume agents (oral sulfate solution and sodium picosulfate with magnesium citrate) for bowel preparation: the EASE study [Intestinal Research]
  • 2019.04Randomised phase 3 trial: tegoprazan, a novel potassium-competitive acid blocker, vs. esomeprazole in patients with erosive oesophagitis [ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY THERAPEUTICS]
  • 2018.09Importance of the Size of Adenomatous Polyps in Determining Appropriate Colonoscopic Surveillance Intervals. [Clin Endosc]
  • 2018Frequency and Characteristics of Interval Colorectal Cancer in Actual Clinical Practice: A KASID Multicenter Study. [Gut Liver]
  • 2017.07Quality of life, patient satisfaction, and disease burden in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease with or without laryngopharyngeal reflux symptoms.J Gastroenterol Hepatol. []
  • 2017.05Clinical and Biological Features of Interval Colorectal Cancer. [Clin Endosc]
  • 2017.04만성 B형 간염 환자에서 테노포비어 단독 초치료의 효과: 단일 기관 2년 성적 [대한내과학회지]
  • 2017.02Acetic acid chromoendoscopy for determining the extent of gastric intestinal metaplasia [GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY]
  • 2017.01Comparing the clinical outcomes of young-onset and adult-onset ulcerative colitis: a multi-center Korean Association for the Study for Intestinal Diseases study [The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine]
  • 2016.09Long-Term Clinical Outcomes of Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumors According to the Pathologic Status After Initial Endoscopic Resection: A KASID Multicenter Study. [Am J Gastroenterol]
  • 2016.08Predictive Factors for Differentiating Between Crohn's Disease and Intestinal Tuberculosis in Koreans. [Am J Gastroenterol]
  • 2016.05Septic Shock in Pyogenic Liver Abscess: Clinical Considerations [Korean journal of gastroenterology]
  • 2016.04기능성 소화불량증의 진단 및 치료 [대한의사협회지]
  • 2016.04Efficacy of DA-9701 (Motilitone) in FunctionalDyspepsia Compared to Pantoprazole:A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind,Non-inferiority Study [JOURNAL OF NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY]
  • 2016.03Incidence and Clinical Outcomes of Clostridium difficile Infection after Treatment with Tuberculosis Medication. [Daejeon-Chungchung Intestinal Research Group. Gut Liver]
  • 2016.03Gastric lesions in patients with Crohn’s disease in Korea: a multicenter study [Intestinal research]
  • 2015.07Sodium Picosulfate with Magnesium Citrate (SPMC) Plus Laxative Is a Good Alternative to Conventional Large Volume Polyethylene Glycol in Bowel Preparation: A Multicenter Randomized Single-Blinded Trial. [Gut Liver]
  • 2015.06화농성 간농양; 최근 10년간의 임상적 특징의 변화 양상 [대한내과학회지]
  • 2015.05Efficacy of combination therapy with probiotics and mosapride in patients with IBS without diarrhea: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter, phase II trial [NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY]
  • 2015.04Predictors of Urgent Findings on Abdominopelvic CT in Patients with Crohn's Disease Presenting to the Emergency Department [DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES]
  • 2015.04Meta-analysis of Predictive Clinicopathologic Factors for Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients with Early Colorectal Carcinoma [JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE]
  • 2014.12.01전이성 췌장암 환자의 장기 생존 1례 [대한소화기암학회]
  • 2014.12.01Long-term clinical outcomes of Korean patient with Crohn's disease following early use of infliximab [대한장연구학회]
  • 2014.12전이성 췌장암 환자의 장기 생존 1례 [대한소화기암학회지]
  • 2014.11.01간경변과 바이러스 간염 환자의 영양불량 위험도 비교: 단일기관 연구 [대한소화기학회]
  • 2014.11.01Prevalence of Uninvestigated Dyspepsia and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Korea: A Population-Based Study Using the Rome III Criteria [SPRINGER]
  • 2014.11간경변과 바이러스 간염 환자의 영양불량 위험도 비교: 단일기관 연구 [대한소화기학회지]
  • 2014.10Long-Term Clinical Outcomes of Korean Patient With Crohn's Disease Following Early Use of Infliximab [INTESTINAL RESEARCH]
  • 2014.09.01Various Upper Endoscopic Findings of Acute Esophageal Thermal Injury Induced by Diverse Food: A Case Series [대한소화기내시경학회]
  • 2014.09.01Clinical usefulness of double balloon enteroscopy in suspected Crohn's disease: the KASID multi-center trial. [유럽소화기학회]
  • 2014.09.01Current Issues in Functional Dyspepsia [Korean Society of Gastroenterology(대한소화기학회)]
  • 2014.09Clinical usefulness of double balloon enteroscopy in suspected Crohn's disease: the KASID multi-center trial [HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY]
  • 2014.09Various Upper Endoscopic Findings of Acute Esophageal Thermal Injury Induced by Diverse Food: A Case Series [Clinical Endoscopy]
  • 2014.08.01Differences in the Prognosis according to the Periods of Diagnosis in Ulcerative Colitis [Korean Society of Gastroenterology(대한소화기학회)]
  • 2014.08Differences in the Prognosis according to the Periods of Diagnosis in Ulcerative Colitis [The Korean journal of gastroenterology(대한소화기학회지)]
  • 2014.05.01Cryptococcal meningitis in a patient with chronic hepatitis C treated with pegylated-interferon and ribavirin [KOREAN ASSOC INTERNAL MEDICINE]
  • 2014.05Cryptococcal meningitis in a patient with chronic hepatitis C treated with pegylated-interferon and ribavirin [KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE]
  • 2014.03.01Current status of functional dyspepsia in Korea [the Koean association of internal medicine]
  • 2014.03Current status of functional dyspepsia in Korea [Korean J Intern Med]
  • 2014.01.01Efficacy and Safety of Tiropramide in the Treatment of Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Non-inferiority Trial, Compared With Octylonium [KOREAN SOC NEUROGASTERONTEROL & MOTILITY]
  • 2014.01Clinical features and predictors of clinical outcomes in Korean patients with Crohn's disease: a Korean association for the study of intestinal disease multicenter study. [J Gastroenterol Hospital.]
  • 2014.01Efficacy and Safety of Tiropramide in the Treatment of Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Non-inferiority Trial, Compared With Octylonium [JOURNAL OF NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY]
  • 2014.01Efficacy and Safety of Tiropramide in the Treatment of Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double - blind, Non-inferiority Trial, Compared With Octylonium [J Neurogastroenterol Motil]
  • 2013.10포이츠 제거스 증후군에 동반된 크론병 1예 [대한소화기학회지]
  • 2013.10Is There a Difference in the Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease between Peritoneal Dialysis and Hemodialysis Patients? [대한소화기학회지]
  • 2013.10Differential diagnosis of left-sided abdominal pain: Primary epiploic appendagitis vs colonic diverticulitis [WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY]
  • 2013.10Development and Validation of the Korean Rome IIIQuestionnaire for Diagnosis of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders [JOURNAL OF NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY]
  • 2013.10Development and Validation of the Korean Rome Ⅲ Questionnaire for Diagnosis of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders. [J Nuerogastroenterol]
  • 2013.10Differential diagnosis of left-sided abdominal pain: primary epiploic appendagitis vs colonic diverticulitis [World Gastroenterol]
  • 2013.10A case of Crohn's disease accompanied by Peutz-Jeghers syndrome [Korean J Gastroenterol]
  • 2013.10Is there a difference in the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease between peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis patients? [Korean J Gastroenterol]
  • 2013.09Clinical Practice of Surveillance Colonoscopy according to the Classification of Colorectal Intraepithelial Neoplasia in Korea: High-grade Dysplasia/Carcinoma In Situ Versus Intramucosal Carcinoma [Intestinal research]
  • 2013.07Quantifying Exposure to Diagnostic Radiation and Factors Associated With Exposure to High Levels of Radiation in Korean Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease [INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES]
  • 2013.07Synchronous Primary Low-grade Mucosa-associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma of Colon and Stomach [Intestinal research]
  • 2013.07multi-centerstudy regarding the risk factors for bleeding in gastrointestinal stromal tumor [HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY]
  • 2013.04비심인성 흉통 환자에서 상부위장관내시경의 필요성 [대한내과학회지]
  • 2013.03Multi-center study regarding the risk factors for bleeding in gastrointestinal stromal tumor. [Hepatogastroenterology]
  • 2013.01Incidence and clinical features of Clostridium difficile infection in Korea: a nationwide study. [Epidemiol Infect.]
  • 2012.07염증성 장질환 환자에서 Azathioprine 사용방법에 따른 골수 억제 부작용 빈도 [Intestinal research]
  • 2012.06Cecal fecaloma due to intestinal tuberculosis : endoscopic treatment. [Clin Endosc.]
  • 2012.01An effective instillation method for water-assisted colonoscopy as performed by in-training endoscopists in terms of volume and temperature [DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES]
  • 2011Endoscopic findings and clinical significance of portal hypertensive colopathy [The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology]
  • 2011Efficacy of ramosetron in the treatment of male patients with irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea: a multicenter, randomized clinical trial, compared with mebeverine. [Neurogastroenterol Motility]
  • 2011s minimal change esophagitis really part of the spectrum of endoscopic findings of gastroesophageal reflux disease? A prospective, multicenter study. [Endoscopy]
  • 2010진정이 되지않는 환자들의 대책 []
  • 2010Prevalence of Barrett´s esophagus remains low in the Korean population: nationwide cross-sectional prospective multicenter study. []
  • 2010변비진단: 체계적문헌고찰 []
  • 2010A case of esophageal and endobronchial anthracosis. []
  • 2009Recent advances of lower GI endoscopy []
  • 2009의인성 Mallory-Weiss 증후군의 임상적 특징 []
  • 2009새로운 대장내시경 []
  • 2009The uswefulness of water immersion colonoscopy insertion in gastroenterology trainee []
  • 2009Mallory-Weiss 증후군의 임상적 특징 []
  • 2009위식도역류질환 진단에 Bernstein 검사와 식도산도검사의 비교 []
  • 2009위식도역류질환에서 1주 Esomeprazole 치료의 진단적 의의 []
  • 2009Extracolonic findings of computed tomographic colonography in Koreans. []
  • 2009Endoscopic evaluation of significant gastrointestinal lesions in patients with iron deficiency with and without anaemia []
  • 2008Spontanous rupture of lateral thorahic artery in patients with liver cirrhosis []
  • 2008대장용종의 겸자생겸과 내시경적 절제 후의 병리 조직 소견의 비교 []
  • 2008저분자량 헤파린 치료한 급성 췌장염에서의 간문맥과 비정맥 혈전증 []
  • 2007골수 이형성 증후군에서 급겅 백혈병으로 전환가에 발생한 위 과립구 육종 1예 []
  • 2007Hepatic abscess that formed secondary to fish bone and had a fistula with the ascending colon. []
  • 2007Foreign objects in Korea prisoners []
  • 2007Korean experience with double balloon endoscopy: Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases multi-center study []
  • 2007비전격 급성 A형 간염과 동반된 급성 신부전 2 예 []
  • 2007소화관 기능성질환 검사법(저서) []
  • 2007급성 대장폐쇄 시 대장 내시경의 역할 []
  • 2007다양한 위장관 합병증과 요근 농양을 보인 Henoch-Schonlein 자반증 1예 []
  • 2006기능성소화불능증(저서) []
  • 2006"Pancreatic metastasis and obstructive jaundice in small [대한내과학회]
  • 2006위암 동반 유무에 따른 심재성 낭성 위염의 임상상 [대한내과학회]
  • 2006정상면역 기능인환자에서 1차감염에의해발생된 헤르페스식도염 1예 [대한내과학회]
  • 2006뜨거운 계란찜을 먹은 후에 발생한 식도궤양 1예 [대한소화기내시경학회]
  • 2006"대전 서부와 인근 충남지역에서 발생한 급성 A형 간염의 임상양상: 단일 기관 경험 [대한소화기학회]
  • 2006식도열공 헤르니아를 가진 심한역류성 식도염 환자에서 병발한 바렛식도 1예 [대한소화관운동학회]
  • 2006"Radiologic Finding of Gastrointestinal Complications in an Adult Patient with Henoch-Scholein Purpura [American Roentgen Ray Society]
  • 2006Intussuscepted sigmoid colonic lipoma mimicking carcinoma ["Digestive disease]
  • 2006장정결액 []
  • 2006충수돌기의 궤양에서 발생한 급성하부 소화관 출혈 1예 []
  • 2004CT colonography using 6 slice multidetector CT in the evaluation of colon cancer []
  • 2004위장관 유암종의 임상고찰 []
  • 2004상부위장관 이물의 내시경적 치료 []
  • 2004출혈을 동반한 위유암종 1례 []
  • 2004역류성 식도염에 속발된 미만성 식도 경련 1례 []
  • 2004내시경적 밴드결찰술로 치유된 직장 Dieulafoy 병변 1례 []
  • 2002급성 간염환자에서 위전도와 포만감의 변화 [대한소화관운동학회지]
  • 2002복강경 검사로 진단된 결핵성 복막염 [대한소화기내시경학회지]
  • 2000대장암 및 충수돌기 주위 농양으로 오인된 복부 방선균증 [대한소화기내시경학회지]
  • 1999복수를 동반한 간경변증 환자에서 원발성 세균성 복막염과 배양음성 중성세포성 복수의 비교 [계명의대 논문집]
  • 1999복수를 동반한 간경변증 환자에서 원발성 세군성 복막염과 배양음성 중성 세포성 복수의 비교 [계명의대 논문집]
  • 1998위식도 역류진단을 위한 24시간 식도산도검사 양성지표들과 Bernstein검사의 의의 [대한소화기학회지]
  • 1997만성 위염전 2례 [게명의대 논문집]
  • 1997월경주기가 구강맹장 통과시간에 미치는 영향 [대한 소화기 학회지 제30권]
  • 1997월경주기가 구강맹장 통과시간에 미치는 영향 [대한소화기학회지]
  • 1996고혈압 환자에서의 좌심실 확장기 기능의 평가: Color M-mode 도플러와 도플러 심초음파도를 이용한 방법 [한국심초음파학회지]
  • 1996호지킨씨 림프종 환자에서 발생한 Disseminated Herpes Zoster 1례 [계명의대논문집]
  • 1995췌장 가성낭종에 의한 이차성 식도이완불능증 1예 [대한내과학회지]
 허규찬 교수님