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 김대성 증명사진 교수님

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환자의 마음을 따뜻하게 어루만지는 의사

전문분야 위장관질환, 장클리닉(염증성질환, 대장암, 변비)

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  • 학회:2024-09-27~2024-09-27
  • 출장:2024-10-28~2024-10-28

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  • 2023.02Three cases of jejunal tumors detected by standard upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: A case series [WORLD JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CASES]
  • 2022.11과민성장증후군 환자에 대한 대변 미생물총 이식 치료의 반응 예측:장내 미생물총의 측면에서 [The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology]
  • 2022.09Evaluation of the efficacy of 1 L polyethylene glycol plus ascorbic acid and an oral sodium sulfate solution: A multi-center, prospective randomized controlled trial [MEDICINE]
  • 2022.09Bile Acids: Major Regulator of the Gut Microbiome [MICROORGANISMS]
  • 2022.05The Influence of Face Shields on the Quality of Colonoscopy in theEra of the COVID-19 Pandemic [Gut and Liver]
  • 2021.11Chronic Viral Hepatitis Is Associated with Colorectal Neoplasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES]
  • 2021Endoscopic features and clinical outcomes of cytomegalovirus gastroenterocolitis in immunocompetent patients [Scientific Reports]
  • 2021Risk factors and prognostic value of acute severe lower gastrointestinal bleeding in Crohn's disease [World Journal of Gastroenterology]
  • 2021Risk factors for rebleeding in Crohn's disease patients with acute severe lower gastrointestinal bleeding: With special reference to the role of anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy [Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology]
 김대성 교수님