2022.08A decision tree model for predicting intravenous immunoglobulin resistance and coronary artery involvement in Kawasaki disease
[BMC Pediatrics]
2022.05Correlation between Transient Elastography (Fibroscan?) and Ultrasonographic and Computed Tomographic Grading in Pediatric Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
[Pediatric Gatroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (PGHN)]
2022.03Delta neutrophil index as a predictor of vesicoureteral reflux in children with febrile urinary tract infection
[Childhood Kidney Disease]
2020.1114q12q13.3 Deletion Diagnosed Using Chromosomal Microarray Analysis in an Infant Showing Seizures, Hypoplasia of the Corpus Callosum, and Developmental Delay
[Neonatal Medicine]
2020.1114q12q13.3 deletion diagnosed using chromosomal microarray analysis in an infant showing seizures, hypoplasia of the corpus callosum, and developental delay
[Neonatal medicine]
2020.10Mortality Rate and Major Causes of Death by Gestational Age in Korean Children under 5 Years of Age
[Journal of Korean Medical Science]
2020.10Mortality Rate and Major Causes of Death by Gestational Age in Korean Children under 5 Years of Age
2019.11.01Delta?neutrophil index: a potential predictor of coronary arteryinvolvement in Kawasaki disease by retrospective analysis
2019.11Delta?neutrophil index: a potential predictor of coronary arteryinvolvement in Kawasaki disease by retrospective analysis
2019.01Usefulness of Transient Elastography for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis in Pediatric Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
2018.12The improvement of right ventricular function after adenotonsillectomy in children with obstructive sleep apnea
[Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
2018.03Clinical manifestation of Campylobacter enteritis in children
[Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
2017.05Comparison of Birth Outcomes Based on Maternal Ethnicity in Korea: Korean, Vietnamese, and Chinese, 2010-2015
[Neonatal medicine]
2016.12The Relationships between Respiratory Virus Infection and Aminotransferase in Children
[Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition]
2016.11Interstitial deletion of 5q33.3q35.1 in a boy with severe mental retardation
[Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
2016.11Granular cell tumor of the esophagus in an adolescent
[Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
2016.11P wave dispersion on 12-lead electrocardio- graphy in adolescents with neurocardiogenic syncope
[Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
2016.07Age-adjusted plasma N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide level in Kawasaki disease
[Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
2016.06The Association between Helicobacter pylori Infection and Body Weight among Children
[Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition]
2014.12.01Gram-negative Septicemia after Infliximab Treatment in an Infant with Refractory Kawasaki Disease
2014.12.01A pediatric case of Bickerstaff’s brainstem encephalitis
2014.12A pediatric case of Bickerstaff’s brainstem encephalitis
[Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
2014.12Gram-negative Septicemia after Infliximab Treatment in an Infant with Refractory Kawasaki Disease
2014.11.01Comparison of Neonatal and Infant Mortality Rates between Infants Born in South Korea and Those Born in the United States
2014.11.01Effect of adenotonsillar hypertrophy on right ventricle function in children
2014.11Effect of adenotonsillar hypertrophy on right ventricle function in children
[Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
2014.11Comparison of Neonatal and Infant Mortality Rates between Infants Born in South Korea and Those Born in the United States
[Neonatal medicine]
2014.08.01Fecal calprotectin concentration in neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
2014.08Fecal calprotectin concentration in neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
[Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
2013.06Increase in Aminotransferase Levels during Urinary Tract Infections in Children
[Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition]
2012.12Effect of early postnatal neutropenia in very low birth weight infants born to mothers with pregnancy induced hypertension
[Korean Journal of Pediatrics]
2011극소저체중출생아에서 혈구세포의 변화와 호산구 증가증에 대한 연구
2011다형홍반으로 발현한 신생아루프스와 역진단된 산모루프스 1례
2011A study on the measurement of the nucleated red blood cell(nRBC) count based on birth weight and its correlation with perinatal prognosis in infants with very low birth weight
[Korean J Pediatr]
2009조기 2차 성징 발현을 주소로 내원한 충청지역 소아 104명에 대한 원인적 고찰
2008A case of Kawasaki disease preceding a retropharyngeal abscess
2008비만아에서 고지혈증과 Apolipoprotein E 다형성의 관계
2008신생아와 조기 영아기에 혈변을 보였던 환아의 추적 관찰
2007소장의 지방종을 선두로 하는 장중첩증에 기인한 신경성 쇼크 1례
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2005두개강내 지방종 1례
2005가와사끼병에서의 혈청 Soluble E-Selectin의 변화
2005십이지장 격막과 동반된 담도 폐쇄 없는 담낭 무형성증 1례
2004산전초음파로 진단된 다낭성 이형성신 1례
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2004간단한수기시에 경구포도당과 인공젖꼭지에 의한 신생아의 진통효과
2004월슨병 환아에서 D-phenicillamine 사용 중 조기 발병한 미세변화형 신증후군 1례.
2004Abnormal Expression of Neuropiptide Y in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells of the Ataxic Mutant Mice, Pogo.
[대한 체질인류학회지]
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2003Differences of Zebrin II Expression Pattern Between Normal Balb/C and Ataxic Pogo Mouse Cerebellum.
2001쌍쌩아중 한명에서 발현된 Apert 증후군 1례
2001Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus항원유도성 말초혈액 단핵구의 cytokones 유전자 발현양상에 관한 연구