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 정종진 증명사진 교수님

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전문분야 녹내장 (화,수,목,금 영등포 김안과병원 진료)

의료진/진료일정 - 월,화,수,목,금,토,일로 구성된 표입니다.
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학력 및 경력


  • 순천향대학교 박사 과정
  • 건양대학교 석사 졸업
  • 2000~2006 건양대학교 학사 졸업


  • 현재 건양대학교병원 안과 전문의
  • 2023.01~현재 김안과병원 녹내장센터 센터장
  • 김안과병원 녹내장센터 전임의
  • 2021.01~2022.12 김안과병원 수련부장
  • 한국건강신문 [정종진의 Eye 러브 유] 칼럼 연재


  • 2024.7~현재 대한안과학회 홍보간사
  • 2024.01~현재 한국임상시각전기생리학회 재무이사
  • 2021.01~2022.12 한국녹내장학회 정보통신 간사
  • 2024.01~현재 한국근시학회 홍보이사
  • 2023~현재 한국녹내장학회 홍보이사
  • 저시력연구회 정회원
  • 신경안과학회 정회원
  • 한국임상시각전기생리학회 정회원
  • 한국녹내장학회 정회원
  • 대한안과학회 정회원
  • 2021~현재 신의료기술 평가 자문위원
  • 현재 저시력연구회 홍보이사
  • 2022.01~2023.12 한국임상시각전기생리학회 부총무이사


  • 2023Recovery from Upper Eyelid Sulcus Deepening Following Switch from Prostaglandin Analogue to EP2 Receptor Agonist [JKOS]
  • 2021Late-onset Endophthalmitis Caused by Streptococcus Cristatus after Trabeculectomy [JKOS]
  • 2020Retinal Crystal-like Deposits after Topical Pranoprofen Administration in Anterior Uveitis Patient [Journal of Retina]
  • 2018Long-term comparison of postoperative refractive outcomes between phacotrabeculectomy and phacoemulsification [Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery]
  • 2017Glaucoma Diagnostic Ability of the Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Vessel Density Parameters [Current Eye Research]
  • 2017Complete occlusion of anterior capsulorhexis after uneventful cataract surgery, treated with YAG laser capsulotomy [BMC ophthalmology]
  • 2015Differences between Non-arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy and Open Angle Glaucoma with Altitudinal Visual Field Defect [KJOS]
  • 2014Comparison Results of Silicone Tube Intubation According to Syringing and Dacryocystography [JKOS]
  • 2014Rates and Patterns of Macular and Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning in Preperimetric and Perimetric Glaucomatous Eyes [Journal of Glauoma]
  • 2013Long-term Results of Deep Sclerectomy with Small Collagen Implant in Korean [KJO]
  • 2013Effect of myopia and age on optic disc margin anatomy within the parapapillary atrophy area [Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology]
  • 2013Biometry and spectral domain optical coherence tomography parameters in children with large cupping [Grafe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology]
  • 2012Glaucoma Progression in Eyes with a History of Refractive Corneal Surgery [IOVS]
  • 2012Surgical Treatment of Overhanging Bleb Using Indocyanin Green Dye [JKOS]
  • 2011A case of lorazepam (Ativan)-induced accommodation paresis [Eye]
  • 2011Analysis of the Causes of Optic Disc Swelling [KJO]
  • 2011A case of oculomotor nerve palsy associated with antimitotic spindle apparatus [Clinical Ophthalmology]
  • 2011Attempts to Reduce the Progression of Myopia and Spectacle Prescriptions during Childhood: A Survey of Eye Specialists [KJO]
  • 2009Retinal Toxicity of Intravitreal Tissue Plasminogen Activator on Submacular Hemorrhage [JKOS]
 정종진 교수님